The CSH project proposal: "Medicines Waste in Care Homes: reducing social and environmental impacts" has been shortlisted to the final round of the Health Foundation's Q-exchange programme. We need…
Hello all, I am not sure if this is the right place to post this but the RCR is holding a (free) sustainability day for any radiotherapy/oncology and imaging professionals. It is on the 18th June in…
Dear Colleagues,
Has anyone come across any publications that evaluate (all of these outcomes) QALYs + environmental assessment + financial costs of any health technologies including…
Hi everyone,
I am currently developing a Green Ward Toolkit designed to serve as an onboarding framework for clinicians and healthcare workers to adopt more sustainable practices within their…
I’m an anaesthetist in Brisbane, Australia. I have been involved in decommissioning nitrous oxide at a major hospital. I’m trying to encourage other hospitals to do the same. With the increased use of…
I was really inspired by the Greener AHP week webinars. I work in an acute mental health unit for working aged adults in the South West. One of our ward gardens is in a bad way, the last raised bed…
The Medical Education Unit at University College Cork in Ireland is currently recruiting a research team to work on a project focused on Sustainable Healthcare Education. These posts are suitable for…
I am a 2ndyear SLT undergraduate and my choice of research project this year is Forest School and the role of the SLT. I am interested in how outdoor therapy could contribute to the sustainability…
The 2024 Lancet Countdown in Europe report was published this week.
It shows that climate change is already having an impact on the health of people living in Europe. It also shows that without…