The GREEN-ICU research study is seeking views on environmental sustainability from people working in intensive care.
This includes anyone connected to intensive care through clinical practice,…
Hi all. I'm an emergency Physician in New Zealand.
I'm starting to put together a sabbatical focussed on the carbon impact of wasteful/avoidable care in the acute care setting. I'm hoping to be…
Now, more than ever, is the time we need to introduce reusable surgical masks.
Over the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been an exponential increase in the use of masks worldwide, which has been met…
The GREEN-ICU research team is exploring ways to reduce the carbon footprint of intensive care as a speciality and improve environmental sustainability.
They are seeking people to fill out a…
Thankyou for joining the GreenED Network!
We hope this will be a useful space to find other people who are working on the environmental sustainability of emergency care, to share our successess and…
Resource Description:
This article by Tim Spruell and other members ofRCEM's Environmental Specialist Interest Group outlines the frontline role forEmergency Medicinein sustainable…
The cover story for this month's OTnews is about A Greener Future.
The article explores sustainable healthcare as a concept, and shares examples of sustainable occupational therapy practice from…
Our first Introduction course was by attended remotely by health professionals from across the UK, Australia and Canada. After a four-hour self-study module, we met in a four-hour workshop to discuss…
This week saw the publication of a special edition of the WFOT Bulletin, with articlesabout the incorporation ofsustainability into occupational therapy practice, scholarship and education. This…
I’m sure that Coronavirus is on everyones minds at the moment. So for this post I wanted to pool some resources that I found interesting/useful about Coronavirus,Climate Change & OT. I've put them…