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Showing 91 - 100 of 108 results

Harvard school of public health climate change and health podcasts

Created on
27 Apr 2017
Admin *
These 15/20 minute entry-level podcasts recorded in February 2017 look at what we know about the way in which climate change affects health and the steps we can take. Both are interviews with Dr Aaron…

Naturally Healthy?

Created on
6 Apr 2017
Rachel Stancliffe
On 2nd March CSH and the Ecosystems Knowledge Network delivered a Valuing Nature Programme event to ensure that tools and methods are available to demonstrate the cost-effectiveness of addressing…

National health organisations make their commitments to sustainable development

Created on
30 Jan 2017
Ingeborg Steinbach
The Department of Health and eight major health organisations have stated their organisational commitments to deliver a socially and environmentally sustainable health and care system. The…

Delivering High Value Healthcare

Created on
26 Jan 2017
Admin *
I attended an interesting conference recently jointly hosted by the OECD and the King’s Fund on, “Delivering High Value Healthcare” on the 10thJanuary 2017 which followed on from the, “Tackling…

Sweet drinks levy consultation

Created on
8 Dec 2016
Admin *
It can be a depressing business looking at the food and drink that’s on sale in hospitals, a problem for patients and relatives but also staff. Few have the time to go beyond hospital walls to find…

Interest in the e-learning module at the European Association of Dental Public Health Annual Conference 2016!

Created on
17 Oct 2016
Devika Vadher
Delivering a poster and oral presentation on development of the e-learning module "An introduction to sustainable dentistry and measuring carbon in healthcare" generated interest from the wider…

BDJ In Practice Interview Feature

Created on
24 Aug 2016
Devika Vadher
Divya and I are happy to announce our interview on Sustainable dental practice has been published in the latest issue of BDJ In Practice! The interview feature can be found electronically by…

Feasibility study into resource management in the dental practice

Created on
25 Jul 2016
Devika Vadher
A paper published in the BDJ, exploring knowledge and attitudes to sustainability amongst the dental team offers an interesting read and insight into staff behaviour with regards to "reduce, reuse and…

Making your dental practice green

Created on
23 Jun 2016
Divya Verma
Check this article out on ways to make your dental practice more sustainable:

UK health services unprepared for climate change, warns major new health alliance

Created on
30 Mar 2016
Frances Mortimer
UK health services are currently unprepared for the risks posed by climate change, warns a major newhealth alliancelaunching today. In an unprecedented move, the heads of the UK’s leading health…