“If you had the power to reduce the carbon footprint in your area of practice, what would you do? “If you are an Allied Health professional with ideas to reduce the environmental impact of your field…
The StudyResearchers from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine and University College London’s Centre for Behavioural Change are seeking hospital partners to study the impact of healthy,…
A new systematic review, published in The Lancet Planetary Health, explores how effective different interventions have been in shifting people to sustainable…
This is an exciting opportunity for a UK-based dietitian to work with the Greener By Default team based in the US, to shape the healthcare food environment. The vision is to normalise plant-based…
VisitPlants First Healthcare Calling for adoption of Plant Based menuand sign their letter: "Health professionals are calling on all NHS hospitals and organisations across the United Kingdom to adopt…
I saw this on LinkedIn from one of the authors and thought it looked brilliant.
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Hopefully the links work.
The Food Service Playbook for Promoting Sustainable Food…
Just wanted to highlight to the group the Dietetics events in Greener AHP week all different and all look great!
Tuesday 23rd April 1pm Dietitians Using Greener Activities to make change
Hi all,
We are working on a project to reduce the environmental impact of the Head and neck radiotherapy pathway at Mount Vernon Cancer Centre and have created a Patient experience survey to gather…
Hi all,
We’re considering a project investigating whether increased knowledge and awareness of sustainability for ward hosts may help us to increase uptake of plant based meals, reduce uptake of…