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Scottish CDO raises issue of plastic waste

Created on
30 Oct 2018
Mark Platt
Wonder if anyone caught this in the Scottish Daily Mail (23/10): 4.7m cups thrown away by dentists every year DENTISTS in Scotland are throwing away a shocking 4.7million plastic cups a…

International Council of Nurses statement on climate change

Created on
18 Oct 2018
Janet Richardson
The international Council of Nurses released their updated position statement on climate change at their annual conference last month. Please help to amplify this announcement. You can view therelease…

Sustainability sessions at the Association of Renal Technologists Conference 2018

Created on
18 Oct 2018
Fraser Gilmour
Great presentation by Dr Frances Mortimer at the recent ART conference in Grantham on the challenges we face to reduce our impact on resourceswhen providing healthcare and the work the green…

International Green Nephrology

Created on
17 Oct 2018
Frances Mortimer
The International Society of Nephrology (ISN) has expressed an interest in supporting collective efforts to improve the environmental sustainability of kidney care. This could…

Summer opportunities survey

Created on
16 Oct 2018
Admin *
The Planetary Health Alliance is working to better assist students (both graduate and undergraduates) find summer internships, field experiences, or research projects in the field of planetary health.…

Animation of carbon emissions and healthcare waste

Created on
15 Oct 2018
Janet Richardson
This is a 2 minute animation that brings to life the extent of carbon emissions due to healthcare waste and inappropriate clincal waste segregation. It is based on research by colleagues at Plymouth…

What is the carbon footprint of patients' travel to GP?

Created on
14 Oct 2018
Harry Longman
I run askmyGP, which aims to make it easier for patients to get help from their own GP, and easier for GPs to give the right help. A key element of this is the finding that only about one in three…

Knowledge of and attitudes toward climate change and its effects on health among nursing students: A multi-Arab country study.

Created on
13 Oct 2018
Sarah Walpole
I've just come across this 2017 study of nurses' knowledge and opinions in Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Egypt and…

SHE Masterclass 2018 Review

Created on
12 Oct 2018
Admin *
Bringing Sustainable Healthcare into the Undergraduate Curriculum The 2018 Sustainable Healthcare Education masterclass took place in Islington on 11thSeptember 2018, organised by the Centre for…

Sustainable anaesthesia - reducing desflurane usage

Created on
5 Oct 2018
Sam Freeman
I am looking to reduce the environmental impact of the anaesthetic department that I am currently working in. In particular, I'd like to reduce the amount of desflurane use, as this is known to be a…