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Just what is sustainable mental health?!

Created on
9 Jun 2016
Arif Ahmed
Here's a poem I came up with about sustainability, with a little help from Frances, who prefers to call it a rap! Just what is sustainable mental health?! Working in mental health is a difficult…

Preventable deaths data for Europe

Created on
9 Jun 2016
Admin *
Eurostat data published online and also discussed in the Lancet sets a staggering prevention challenge for us. One million of the 1.7 million deaths that occured in the under 75s in 2013 might have…

Bristol Trusts' NHS Sustainability Awards successes!

Created on
6 Jun 2016
Admin *
At this year's NHS Sustainability Awards, many deserving NHS Trusts were commended and recognised for their work in the sustainability arena. We were delighted to see University Hospitals Bristol NHS…

Bristol Trusts' NHS Sustainability Awards success!

Created on
6 Jun 2016
Admin *
At this year's NHS Sustainability Awards, many deserving NHS Trusts were commended and recognised for their work in the sustainability arena. We were delighted to see University Hospitals Bristol NHS…

Improving MH resilience - radio 4 programme

Created on
1 Jun 2016
Frances Mortimer
Did anyone catch this programme on Radio 4 yesterday on "The Science of Resilience": ? (28 mins) Discusses mental health resilience asrecovering better than…

Physical inactivity: economic costs to NHS clinical commissioning groups

Created on
28 May 2016
Admin *
This short report from Public Health England provides analysis based on NHS England's 2010 to 2014 programme budgeting data. It looks at population attributable fractions for ischaemic heart disease,…

Planetary Health Conversations - fortnightly journal club

Created on
16 May 2016
Janie Maxwell
Amid the complexity and bustle of everyday lives and trying to make a difference, sometimes it can be hard to keep abreast of new ideas, or to stay inspired. As a bit of food for thought and…

Planetary Health Conversations - fortnightly journal club

Created on
16 May 2016
Janie Maxwell
Amid the complexity and bustle of everyday lives and trying to make a difference, sometimes it can be hard to keep abreast of new ideas, or to stay inspired. As a bit of food for thought and…

Air quality posing a 'very high risk' to health at the Fort McMurray wildfire

Created on
15 May 2016
Admin *
Is Alberta another very sobering 'right now' example of climate change affecting health? See the Canadian Government's assessment of the air quality at Fort McMurray:…

Is Alberta another very...

Created on
15 May 2016
Admin *
Is Alberta another very sobering 'right now' example of climate change affecting health? See the Canadian Government's assessment of the air quality at Fort McMurray:…