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This house agrees…

Created on
3 Dec 2014
Admin *
What do the possibilities of sustainability and the reality of climate change mean for occupational therapy? On the 21st November I had the privilege of spending the day with just some of the OTs who…

Sustainable healthcare education published in the Lancet

Created on
1 Dec 2014
Frances Mortimer
The Lancet has this week published a letter about the curriculum for sustainable healthcare, based on work by CSH and the Sustainable Healthcare Education network over the last four years.…

Reducing wasted clinical resource in the NHS

Created on
1 Dec 2014
Admin *
I was the lead author for an Academy of Medical Royal Colleges Report about wasted use of clinical resources in the NHS. It was launched last month and can be found here. The report states that to…

Welcoming our Newest Intern, Brazilian medic Dr Karina Patricio

Created on
25 Nov 2014
Mary Zacaroli
I’m very happy to be here, at this fantastic Centre for Sustainable Healthcare!I’m a Physician and Professor at a University in Brazil (Faculty of Medicine of Botucatu - FMB / UNESP -…

Sustainability event at the College of Occupational Therapy- Friday 21st November

Created on
24 Nov 2014
Admin *
the event focussing on what Occupational Therapists could be doing to promote the Sustainable Strategy published in January 2014 was inspirational. there was plenty of fodder to help infrom future…

Navigo – a model of social sustainability

Created on
18 Nov 2014
Admin *
On the 17th November I visited Navigo, which really is a remarkable organisation. It is an NHS funded social enterprise that provides mental health care across north Lincolnshire. They have three…

One Small Success - Transport Issues

Created on
18 Nov 2014
William Beale
Green Nephrology Blog One Small Success Last weekend the Bristol Health Partners hosted an event to encourage innovation. We only discovered this by accident and prepared a quick presentation…

Royal Colleges Demonstrate What Can Be Done on Sustainability

Created on
13 Nov 2014
Admin *
October saw the launch of 'Facing the future: sustainability for Royal Colleges', and the first seminar for Royal Colleges to come together to share their progress on sustainability. The seminar,…

NHS waste reduction explored at Westminster

Created on
13 Nov 2014
Frances Mortimer
“NHS: efficiency savings through waste reduction” was the subject of a joint meeting of the All-Party Parliamentary Health Group and the All-Party Parliamentary Sustainable Resource Group earlier this…

Resource stewardship and the ethical duty to prevent waste

Created on
12 Nov 2014
Frances Mortimer
It was very good to switch on Radio 4 last Thursday morning to hear a discussion about whether doctors have an “ethical duty” to prevent waste. The debate was prompted by the launch of a new report…