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New additions to our NHS Forest for NHS Sustainability day

Created on
27 Mar 2013
Libby Critchley
Hi All NHS Forest 2 Trees at 2 pm We are all set for NHS Sustainability day tomorrow the holes have been dug posts in place and our trees have been donated and loving preped by a local Nursery…

Junior Doctor Sustainability Fellow

Created on
27 Mar 2013
Amy Alsop
My name is Amy and I am the junior doctor ‘Sustainability Fellow’ for the Severn Deanery. It is a new post this year so I have a blank slate to work with. It is a post I have taken on in addition to…

Public Health Registrar Sustainable Development Network

Created on
27 Mar 2013
Ruchi Baxi
The Public Health Registrar Sustainable Development Network is comprised of a group of Public Health Registrars across the UK. We hope you read our recently launched report. The foundations of the…

NHS Sustainability Day - Spring Switch off Day and Eco-Rhyme Competition

Created on
22 Mar 2013
Manoj Chohan
We are celebrating Sustainability Dayby promoting 2 green initiatives. 1) The Day itself is declared as Spring Switch Off - encouraging patients, staff and visitors to switch off unwanted…

Ed Davey, The Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change, visits CSH

Created on
18 Mar 2013
Rachel Stancliffe
When we asked whom Ed worked with in the Department of Health his honest reply was that Health was not a department that he frequently links with because there are so many others. The policy of the…

NHS Sustainabilty Day 2013

Created on
15 Mar 2013
Ben Whittaker
For thoseof us working in the NHS,NHS Sustainability Dayis fast approaching on March 28th. It's agreat chance to raise awareness of sustainabilty issues and it would begood to hear any plans you…

Sustainable healthcare: Spreading the word at medical school

Created on
13 Mar 2013
Eleanor Denny
My name is Eleanor and I am a 3rd year medical student at Brighton and Sussex Medical School. I am writing this first blog because I wanted to share some of my experiences in setting up a small group…

Oxford trainee, Dr Daniel Maughan, appointed to RCPsych Research Fellowship in Sustainability 2013-15

Created on
13 Mar 2013
Frances Mortimer
The Royal College of Psychiatrists (RCPsych) and the Centre for Sustainable Healthcare (CSH) are delighted to announce the appointment of Dr Daniel Maughan to the RCPsych Research Fellowship in…

Sustainable healthcare: Spreading the word at medical school

Created on
11 Mar 2013
Eleanor Denny
My name is Eleanor and I am a 3rd year medical student at Brighton and Sussex Medical School. I am writing this first blog because I wanted to share some of my experiences in setting up a small group…

Innovation for Sustainable Living - Grants

Created on
9 Mar 2013
Sarah Walpole
"Leverhulme TrustInnovation for Sustainable LivingAlthough likely to be of interest to only a minority of those in the Faculty of Medicine Dentistry and Health, the need to coordinate any interest in…