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New article: Time to act sustainably: Why can’t we wait any longer?

Created on
11 Nov 2023
Patricia de Oliveira Furukawa
I share with you a recently published article with reflections on the need for health services and professionals implement sustainable actions. I hope you appreciate!

New article: Time to act sustainably: Why can’t we wait any longer?

Created on
11 Nov 2023
Patricia de Oliveira Furukawa
I share with you a recently published article with reflections on the need for health services and professionals implement sustainable actions. I hope you appreciate!

New article: Time to act sustainably: Why can’t we wait any longer?

Created on
11 Nov 2023
Patricia de Oliveira Furukawa
I share with you a recently published article with reflections on the need for health services and professionals implement sustainable actions. I hope you appreciate.

Sustainable Practices in Paediatric SaLT

Created on
9 Nov 2023
Lilias Jeffery
In paediatric speech therapy, one impactful way we can promote sustainability is through the thoughtful use of materials. Opt for reusable tools like whiteboards and digital resources for…

ESA prescribing

Created on
9 Nov 2023
Eleanor Murray
Interested to hear if units prescribe weekly darbopoeitin (or alternative ESAs), or if fortnightly (or less often) as standard? We are looking at moving prescribing away from weekly, both for…

Surgical set rationalisation

Created on
8 Nov 2023
Nicole Fletcher
NHSE working with the Health Innovation North West Coast and Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust have developed a reproducible process for hospitals to rationalise surgical sets, reducing carbon intensive…

Would you like to be a Kidney Unit Sustainability Champion?

Created on
7 Nov 2023
Ben Whittaker
UKKA and CSH have increased the number of Sustainability Champions across Kidney Units. If you have an interest in sustainable healthcare, this role is a great opportunity to represent your team…

Calling Link workers and Social Prescribers

Created on
6 Nov 2023
Sarah Jordan
Researchers from the University of Oxford are conducting a study on the retention of link workers in their role and factors that can shape this. They are inviting link workers/social prescribers,…

Is action on sustainability just for managers and policy makers?

Created on
3 Nov 2023
Susie Martin
Leadership is being pushed forward in many sectors now, across all levels of experience, as the NHS leadership academy will advocate. I think we do now realise that many of us have a leadership…

Carbon footprint for walking aids

Created on
2 Nov 2023
Rachel Cottam
I am looking at the process for recycling walking aids. Has anyone completed a carbon footprint for these?