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Improving the medical curriculum on planetary health and sustainable healthcare

Created on
25 Jan 2022
SanYuMay Tun
This was published by the BMJ today and might be of interest We urgently need to educate our doctors and students on the accelerating climate emergency and on how to create a sustainable healthcare…

Searching with Ecosia

Created on
25 Jan 2022
Kerry Atchison
As we kick off the new year, here is a small, practical action that we music therapists can take to help the environment: Think about the search engines we use while at work - and consider choosing…

Footprint of morphine- pharmacist wanted!

Created on
25 Jan 2022
Kate Crossland
Which has the smaller footprint, morphine liquid or tablets? Authors of the attached paper agreed likely to be tablets. Fascinating read! We'd love a pharmacist to join our team and help with a…

RCSLT and the Environment

Created on
24 Jan 2022
Iona Sinclair
Have you seen that RCSLT have a new page on their website about sustainability and the environment? Check it out (we even get a mention!)

Association between greenspace and blood pressure: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Created on
24 Jan 2022
Jacqueline Cutting
This new review shows a positive link between greenspace and blood pressure. Meta-analysis showed a decrease in blood pressure and risk of hypertension in a greater greenspace living…

Inhaler switching on Radio 4!

Created on
22 Jan 2022
Jennifer Nixon
This week's "Inside Health" on BBC Radio 4 devoted half the programme to the climate impact of MDI inhalers, and the potental benefits (envrinomental and clinical) of switching inhalers. A great…

Sustainability projects

Created on
21 Jan 2022
Clare Webster
Happy 2022 to everyone. It would be great to share current sustainability projects here. Tell us what you have going on in your local area! I have created a 'Sustainable paediatrics' Teams page…

Reducing physical waste in clinical skills training

Created on
20 Jan 2022
Anna Jones
We are working with colleauges in the school of nursing to look at ways to cut down on physical waste in clinical skills training rooms - and would welcome hearing from others who are also looking at…

A online consultation over plans to create a new £4.5 million renal dialysis unit in Telford is taking place.

Created on
19 Jan 2022
James Warham With virtual meetings on MS Teams being…

Survey invite to all AHP students in UK about environmental sustainability

Created on
18 Jan 2022
Ka Yan Hess
PLEASE SHARE- an invitation to AHP Students to take part ina survey collecting views, experience and attitudes of AHP students about environmental sustainability. If you are an AHP student…