Hello everyone,
We've not been very active on this network for a while, apologies! Aiming to stay more up to date in future - and please do add to the conversation with your own thoughts,…
On Feb 7th there will be an MP briefing by the lead Chief Medical Officer on climate change. Dr Fiona Godlee has set this up with assistance from the Green Party.
The UK Health Alliance have just…
I wrote a Green song and collaborated with my Trust's nursery. The kids sing on the chorus! I hope you'll give it a listen...
A podcast interviewing Dr Finella Craig consultant in Paediatric Palliative Care Medicine at Great Ormond Street.
Green 4 Health: Dr Fin Craig | Green 4 Health with Angela Hayes (podbean.com)
It feels like the extreme heat might have brought the climate crisis a bit more into the forefront of people’s minds this week, both for us as practitioners as well as for our clients. Research has…
Wednesday, July 13,2022 -19:00-20:00
Event URL:https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/greener-ahp-online-networking-event-tickets-372632422607?aff=ebdssbdestsearch
This is a free networking event…
Hello everyone
I was wondering if anyone who attended the EMTC Conference in Edinburgh last week spotted anything sustainability related going on?
Please share if you did!
The University of Brighton will be launching a new module in the next academic year called:
Sustainable Healthcare Principles
This module is open to all disciplines and can be taken as…