
Paper How-to Guide - Reducing carbon emissions

Yohannah Caussyram
Yohannah Caussyram • 13 July 2022

To support the wider NHS commitment by switching to using 100% recycled paper and purchasing 100% recycled (copy paper) by 2025, the NHSE Sustainable Procurement Team have created an accessible paper how-to guide which focuses on copier paper and includes:

  • Steps on how to switch to 100% recycled paper.
  • Guidance and case studies on reducing paper usage in contract management.
  • Guidance and case studies in switching to digital appointment letters and text notification systems.
  • Advice on how to maximise digital collaboration tools e.g. Microsoft Forms, Whiteboard and One Note.
  • Key printing principles to think before you print collated by the NHSE Corporate IT and Smarter Working team.

The guide features a range of case studies sharing best practice from University Hospital Dorset NHS Foundation Trust, Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and Bolton NHS Foundation Trust.

Switching to 100% recycled paper and a 50% reduction in paper usage would have an annual saving of over 5kT CO2e, equivalent to charging 1.5bn smartphones. 

How to register onto the Sustainable Procurement Hub page

Please email to request access to the Futures NHS Hub.

If you have any questions, please email us at


#greenerNHS #paper #recycledpaper #recycle #reduce #paperreduction #printing #printingpaper #netzeroNHS

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