
Call for papers: Symposium on Sustainability Teaching in Higher Education – Approaches, Methods and Perspectives

Nuala Hampson

The ‘Symposium on Sustainability Teaching in Higher Education: Approaches, Methods and Perspectives’ is being organised by the Inter-University Sustainable Development Research Programme, the European School of Sustainability Science and Research, and the UK Consortium on Sustainability Research.


The aim of the event is to address the question: how can we foster the cause of sustainability teaching in a higher education context?

The meeting aims to bring together teaching staff engaged in education for sustainable development in a higher education context. It also aims to provide a platform for the exchange of information, paving the way for technology transfer and networking. Furthermore, the symposium intends to provide a fertile basis upon which colleagues involved in sustainability teaching may cooperate more closely in this key area.

Target groups

The event will be of special interest to teaching staff, researchers, students, and other interested people working on sustainability in higher education. The symposium offers them a good opportunity to present their work, and for interactions with like-minded colleagues.

Publication of inputs

The experiences of the presenters will be documented and promoted in the International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education. All papers are subject to peer-review and there is no guarantee that submitted papers may be published.

Theme clusters

The event will be structured around four main theme clusters:

  • theme cluster one: Sustainability and the Curriculum: teaching on, about and for sustainable development
  • theme cluster two: Innovative, non-formal teaching methods
  • theme cluster three: Students´ engagement
  • theme cluster four: Policies and approaches to embed and evaluate sustainability in the curriculum and other means to measure progress

The organisers are happy to consider other topics. Please contact the organising committee if you wish to discuss an additional theme.


Manchester Metropolitan University will host this event. Manchester is the UK´s second-largest city and has excellent transport links. We'll share venue details and travel information with registered delegates.

How to attend the symposium: submission of abstracts

Expressions of interest to attend the event, initially consisting of a 200-word abstract outlining the paper and with the full contact details of the author(s) should be sent to the organising team at: sdevents@mmu.ac.uk.

  • The deadline for the submission of abstracts is 30 January 2024.
  • Full papers are due by 20 May 2024.
  • The details will be discussed with the selected authors.


In other to offset some of the costs with the organisation of the event, we'll charge a registration fee of £120 per delegate. The fee also includes the coffee breaks and lunch.


We'll send details of how to register to authors whose abstracts have been accepted. The deadline for registrations is 20 February 2024.

Contact and further information

  • Professor Walter Leal and Professor Liz Price, Manchester Metropolitan University
  • sdevents@mmu.ac.uk

More details here Detail · Manchester Metropolitan University (mmu.ac.uk)

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