Pharmacy Sustainability Network
The Pharmacy Susnet is for pharmacy professionals, pharmacy teams, educators, researchers and students working or studying in all sectors of pharmacy in the UK, Europe and further afield. As experts in medicines, pharmacy teams play a key role in meeting the net zero targets of health care systems and in addressing the wider environmental impact of pharmaceuticals. We aim to support and encourage pharmacy teams in this work.
The aims of the network are to:
- connect pharmacy and encourage discussion, sharing and dissemination of knowledge and experience relating to sustainable pharmacy practice and education.
- identify key areas of pharmacy practice where sustainability can be optimised.
- create an open access bank of case studies and resources relevant to key areas of sustainable pharmacy practice.
How we started
This network has been formed to enable networking and sharing of resources in sustainable pharmacy across the sectors of pharmacy. The network has been set up by Nuala Hampson with support from colleagues at Pharmacy Declares.
Network Co-lead(s) name(s)
Nuala Hampson, Sarah Brooks, Roisin O'Hare, Eva Bayerkoehler, Sonia Vidal Da Silva, Karen Herbert, Charlotte Pritchard, Ravijyot Saggu, Emily Kennedy
Key resources
Royal Pharmaceutical Society Sustainability Policies
Good for you, good for us, good for everyone. DHSC Overprescribing report
Interventions to reduce the environmental impact of medicines: a UK perspective