
12 things we can do as individuals to become greener

Catherine Floyd
Catherine Floyd • 1 June 2023

Heath professionals are trusted by the public and therefore in a strong position to speak up about the links between a healthy planet and healthy humans. When individuals speak up together this can often be the first step to collective action.

Actions can also be one way to start those conversations. Although individual choice is only one part of what's necessary to tackle the climate and biodiversity crises, here are some things you may like to consider.

Resource author(s)
Dr Mark Harber and team
Resource publishing organisation(s) or journal
UKKA Sustainability Committee, CSH and Sustainable Healthcare Coalition
Resource publication date
June 2023

Comments (1)

Eleanor Murray
Eleanor Murray

Sustainable Kidney Care committee representatives will be at UKKW - come and find us at the UKKA stall in the exhibition hall Tues lunchtime to ask questions, discuss any of these, or to get involved

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