
Air pollution information

Jennifer Nixon
Jennifer Nixon • 4 May 2023

Asthma + Lung UK have recently updated their webpages about air pollution (, and they are a great resource for patients and clinicians alike. 

The first webpage explains the different types of air pollution and its health impacts. It includes information about the symptoms that may be experienced at the time of exposure, highlighting that air pollution is an immediate, as well as a long-term, health risk. 

The second webpage offers practical advice about what individuals can do to lower their risk from air pollution, both by minimising their exposure, and taking action to lower air pollution levels. At the end it has links to national and regional air pollution data, enabling patients (and clinicians) to check their local air pollution levels, and respond accordingly. 

Trying to incorporate discussions about air pollution into already squeezed consultation time can seem difficult. But resources like this can help by providing the information in a clear and concise way for clinicians to deliver, and/or to signpost patients to for further reference. And the practical advice will hopefully empower us all to make changes to improve the quality of the air we all breathe!

Resource author(s)
Asthma + Lung UK
Resource publishing organisation(s) or journal
Asthma + Lung UK
Resource publication date
February 2023

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