
Delivering sustainable eye care

Rachel McLean
Rachel McLean • 13 April 2019

Project completed as part of the Barts 2019 Green Team Competition

Setting/Patient Group: Eye Treatment Centre

Issue to be addressed:

Ophthalmology services can contribute significantly to the carbon footprint of healthcare through procedures requiring anaesthesia, medical supply usage and waste disposal. 


Four-pronged approach to reduce overall service-related emissions:

  1. 1. Streamlined use of general anaesthesia or local intravenous sedation if local anaesthetic is clinically appropriate (as low carbon alternative)
  2. 2. Reduction in single-use plastic cups, plates and cutlery for staff and patient
  3. 3. Recycling of theatre wrap
  4. 4. Streamline outpatient clinics with introduction of Patient Flow Facilitator

Cumulative outcomes:


  • Reduced exposure to potential risks of general anaesthesia
  • Potential to improve waiting times
  • Potential to improve patient safety


  • Nitrous oxide for paediatric induction has an increased rate of miscarriage in staff which would be avoided.
  • Nitrous oxide cylinder abuse could potentially be reduced if supply reduced.


  • Projected potential carbon savings of 49,906kgCO2e/year


  • Estimated cost saving of £529/year

Key learning point

Streamlining services can have significant positive impacts on staff satisfaction in addition to improving patient outcomes and reducing environmental and financial impact.

Resource author(s)
Eye Treatment Centre MDT (details in impact report)
Resource publishing organisation(s) or journal
Barts Health NHS Trust
Resource publication date
April 2019

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