
Food growing toolkit for healthcare settings

Catherine Gaynor
Catherine Gaynor • 6 November 2023

Project completed as part of the North East London 2023 Green Team Competition as a partnership between NEL ICB, Newham Council and the Newham GP Federation.

As part of the NEL Green Team competition we wanted to start the ball rolling with more food-growing in healthcare grounds in Newham. As the competition was only ten weeks we used the time to pool resources and knowledge, to make a food-growing toolkit.


Click here for more information on the Green Team Competition (including organisation impact reports).

Comments (2)

Sarah Jordan
Sarah Jordan

This looks great, thanks for sharing Catherine! I'm interested to know what you did with the food - e.g. were you able to use it in on-site catering/ did you sell the produce?

Simon Gibbons
Simon Gibbons

I really like these, 'unexpected garden' urban initiatives especially in a borough like Newham and I am impressed by how much you were able to achieve in 10 weeks. There is so much space that can be used to give people the idea of growing at least a bit of what they eat close to home. Cool!

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