
Inhaler carbon footprinting - how to get started

Laura-Jane Smith
Laura-Jane Smith • 16 May 2023

Are you interested in reducing the environmental impact of the treatment you provide to Respiratory patients? Have you heard about carbon footprint but don't know where to get started? Help is at hand! There are some great resources from PRESScQIPP especially Bulletin 295: Inhaler carbon footprint which includes spreadsheets of data, briefings, and more. There is also a great webinar hosted by Andy Menzies Gow which is a great starting place. Take a look and let us know if you need any help as we have delved deep into the spreadsheets and are happy to support. 


Resource author(s)
Prof Andy Menzies Gow and the PresscQIPP team
Resource publishing organisation(s) or journal
Resource publication date
November 2021

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