
Let Food Be Thy Medicine: Nutrition counselling tips for pharmacists

Nuala Hampson
Nuala Hampson • 28 September 2023

 There are some wonderful fact sheets on plant based eating on this website, including simple healthy meal swaps which will really help people to take that first step to increasing the plant-based portion of their diet. Highlighted here is a fact sheet for pharmacists to encourage healthy eating for disease prevention - essential reading for all pharmacy professionals!!

Resource author(s)
Sheetal Ladva Kanwar, Pharmacist
Resource publishing organisation(s) or journal
Plant based Health Professionals UK

Comments (2)

Nuala Hampson
Nuala Hampson

Love this resource! Essential reading for all pharmacy professionals! Some great practical tips to make every contact count when talking to patients about what they eat - essential for prevention and sustainable healthcare.

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