
Nursing and climate change: An emerging connection.

Rebecca kenny
Rebecca kenny • 23 June 2023

This article addresses the growing concern of the impact of climate change is having on healthcare services. There has been a call for all allied health professionals to prepare and mitigate these changes. This article contains information to inform nurses and advise on ways in which climate change is affecting the health and well-being of the population, and the individuals most at risk; as well as ways to reduce these. It provides information informing nurses of best current and evidence-based practise, (in line with the NMC: Code of conduct (2018)), which encourages the sustainability of the service and planet, without compromising quality of care.

The article assists nurses to build knowledge and share what they’ve learnt within their organisations, to better inform policy and advocate for change within the practise. As the role of nurse is highly connected to public education and policy guidance. The article highlights the importance of nurse understanding; in terms of health benefits from reduced emissions and the current health cost associated with fossil fuels in order to properly communicate these with fellow professionals and patients.

Resource author(s)
William Adlong, Elaine Dietsch
Resource publishing organisation(s) or journal
Resource publication date
May 2013

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