
OPAT Service at HHFT in the Net Zero NHS

Miranda Chubb
Miranda Chubb • 18 December 2023

Project completed as part of the Hampshire Hospitals Green Team Competition 2023.

OPAT Service at HHFT in the Net Zero NHS Outpatient parenteral antibiotic therapy (OPAT) is a service that allows patients to receive antimicrobial therapy on an outpatient basis, instead of having their IV antibiotics as an inpatient. Patients are also supported switch to oral regimes, where this is appropriate. OPAT services promote early discharges and contribute to reducing a patient’s length of stay. All these elements help to reduce the carbon footprint of their clinical care. The service also reduces the risk of hospital-acquired infection and improves patient experience of care. Aim The aim of the project was to evaluate the OPAT service to identify its impact on the triple bottom line – social, environmental and financial. Also to increase the visibility of the OPAT service and increase engagement and referrals to the service to bring further sustainability and patient benefits. Impact The triple bottom line analysis showed that the OPAT service delivers significant financial and environmental savings while also having a positive impact on patients. Due to the reduction in length of stay it was identified that around 980 bed days are saved annually due to the OPAT service. The actual figures are higher as this does not include the figures for the patients who were switched to oral antibiotics. The carbon savings identified from the OPAT service equated to 25,139 kgCO2e per year, which is equivalent to driving 74,244 miles in an average car. The estimated financial savings of this service were £115,641. Work was also done to increase the visibility of the service via increased staff engagement and communications.

Resource author(s)
Mazurek J., Cunningham J., Johnson R., Munro S., Mendes C., Okubuike A., Parker N., Onyendoro U., Nops J., Creese F., Rogers B., and Thomas C.
Resource publishing organisation(s) or journal
Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Resource publication date
December 2023

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