
Our shared responsibility: the urgent necessity of global environmentally sustainable kidney care

Frances Mortimer
Frances Mortimer • 19 April 2023

This article announces the creation of the global “GREEN-K” initiative: Global Environmental Evolution in Nephrology and Kidney Care, with a vision of “sustainable kidney care for a healthy planet and healthy kidneys” and mission to “promote and support environmentally sustainable and resilient kidney care through advocacy, education, and collaboration.” The initiative, supported by the International Society of Nephrology (ISN), will be inclusive and global, focusing on collaborative action to develop a coordinated plan to achieve low carbon kidney services across our spectrum of care.

Resource author(s)
Caroline E. Stigant, Katherine A. Barraclough, Mark Harber, Nigel S. Kanagasundaram, Charu Malik, Vivekanand Jha and Raymond C. Vanholder
Resource publishing organisation(s) or journal
Kidney International
Resource publication date
January 2023

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