
On‐pack recycling label in cosmeceutical products in dermatology

William Hunt
William Hunt • 11 January 2025

The purpose of this study was to explore a selection of dermatological cosmeceutical products, both full size and sample size, to determine whether they display the Mobius loop symbol.


Although our study findings showed that a significant proportion of both full‐size and sample‐size cosmeceutical products do not display the Mobius loop recycling symbol on their packaging material, it should be noted that the absence of an on‐package Mobius loop symbol does not denote that the material is not capable of being recycled. Clear displaying of relevant recycling information or symbols on packages will encourage and reinforce positive recycling behaviours in children and adults alike, and prompt clinicians to consider the environmental impact of the products they may use and recommend.1

Resource author(s)
V. B. Y. Tso, C. S. Lambreghts, S. Tso, S. Mann, K. Smith, M. Lam, A. C. Y. Tso
Resource publishing organisation(s) or journal
Clinical and Experimental Dermatology

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