
Reducing the environmental impact of operating theatres

Admin *
Admin * • 12 January 2012

Setting/Patient Group: Operating Theatres

Issue to be addressed:

To reduce the environmental impact of two operating theatres, focusing on waste disposal and electricity usage.


  1. Initial conversations with relevant stakeholders to involve in decision making about interventions and gain support. Stakeholders included: theatre staff and management, surgical directorate, and hospital senior management.
  2. Interventions included:
    1. Introduction of recycling bins
    2. Low carbon switches – recycled paper, PVC free face masks.
    3. Education to staff on turning off electronics and considered printing use.
    4. Operational improvements: installation of timers on lighting fixing dripping taps
  3. PDSA approach to continue annual audit of improvements.



  • Improvement in team spirit and job satisfaction
  • Exportation of eco-principles to staff homes


  • Change to PVC free face mask estimated 560kg less PVC to landfill/year


  • Change to PVC free face mask estimated saving £5,000/year

Key learning point

A collection of small changes which are not too time intensive, alongside the support of relevant stakeholders can make a positive environmental impact, save money and improve working relationships.


Resource author(s)
Swinton, F
Resource publishing organisation(s) or journal
Institute for Healthcare Improvement
Resource publication date
November 2010

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