
Remote Consultations: Do they reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions? Your Guide to Calculating the Answer (2022 version)

Rosie Hillson
Rosie Hillson • 13 July 2022

The calculator has now been updated with the latest GHG emission factors for 2022. If you are estimating the emissions from a project for the year 2021 you can still access the original version here: Remote Consultations: Do they reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions? Your Guide to calculating the Answer | CSH Networks (

This guide and carbon calculator have been developed by the Centre for Sustainable Healthcare in collaboration with PD Transformation and funded through Q by the Health Foundation and NHS England and NHS Improvement. It provides step-by-step guidance, along with an accompanying carbon footprint calculator, to support healthcare professionals in calculating the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emission savings of (avoided) patient travel due to switching from in-person outpatient or GP appointments to remote consultations.

The guide has been developed for health professionals, quality improvement leads and estates, sustainability and practice managers at hospitals and GP practices. It can be used for a specific clinical pathway, a clinical department, or the whole organisation.

The guide also provides an outline of how to estimate the carbon footprint of the change in resource use at the GP practice or hospital due to switching to remote consultations.

Resource author(s)
The Centre for Sustainable Healthcare
Resource publishing organisation(s) or journal
The Centre for Sustainable Healthcare
Resource publication date
July 2022

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