
Streamlining Speech and Language Pathways and other Green Actions

Jacqueline Gordon
Jacqueline Gordon • 10 June 2024

Ellen Swann is a Consultant Speech and Language Therapist (Deafness) and manager of the Specialist Speech and Language Therapy Network for Deaf People (Cheshire and Merseyside). She has worked as a specialist in Deafness for 18 years within the network and has recently been appointed as the manager. This has given Ellen the opportunity to look at what and how her team does things for patients, and to develop and improve processes where able. This has led onto reducing the team’s carbon footprint, increasing efficiency and improving care.

Helen is a specialist speech and language therapist working for the Specialist Speech and Language Therapy Network or Deaf People based at Alder Hey Children’s Hospital in Liverpool. She is part of a network of speech and language therapists who support the communication needs of children and families with severe-profound deafness and or cochlear implants across the Cheshire and Merseyside footprint. Prior to this, Helen worked in community clinics and schools across the North West of England.

Ellen and Helen presented on how they have streamlined processes, maximised the use of digital technologies and reduced paper use, to improve both the patient experience and reduce the carbon footprint as a region-wide service

Resource author(s)
Gordon, J.
Resource publication date
June 2024

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