
SusQI case study - Leeds Green Ward Competition - Patient Environment Action Team (PEAT)

Rachel McLean
Rachel McLean • 5 July 2022

SusQI project was completed as part of the Leeds Green Ward Competition 10th January - 25th March by the Patient Environment Action Team (PEAT).

Team members:

  • Jemma Robinson - Facilities Operational Manager
  • Carl Hyatt - PEAT Technician
  • Matthew Robinson - PEAT Technician
  • Claire Flanagan - Facilities Operational Manager
  • Matthew Quinton - Waste Compliance and Sustainability Manager

Project Aim:

  1. Successfully implement active dry mix recycling (DMR) and Battery Recycling through staff engagement and behaviour change, reducing Trust carbon emissions.
  2. Engage and increase staff awareness on sustainable actions, via a bespoke’ Sustainability’ leaflet.
  3. Identify ways the PEAT team can show continuous commitment to sustainability across the Trust in support of the Trust Green Plan and net zero ambition.


Dry mix recycling will reduce waste disposal emissions in the 7 trial areas by 492.89 kgCO2e per year. If applied to the remaining 79 areas, the projected saving increases to 5,562.62 kg CO2e per year.

Battery bins reduced each trial areas emissions by 1.25 kgCO2e per week. Due to the nature of clinical work, there will be significant variation in how quickly areas fill Battery Bins, with annual potential savings therefore projected as a percentage of the actual data. Projected at 70%, the potential annual saving across the 7 trial areas is 318.5 kgCO2e. As a conservative estimate, projected across the remaining areas in the trust with 30% applicability, an additional 1,482 kg CO2e could be saved across the Trust.

The projects combined could also save the trust up to £1,652.70

Click here for more information on the Green Team Competition (including organisation impact reports). 

Resource publishing organisation(s) or journal
Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
Resource publication date
July 2022

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