
SusQI case study - Reduction of inhaler CO2e in the paediatric service, Frimley 2020 Green Ward Competition

Rachel McLean
Rachel McLean • 13 April 2020

SusQI project completed as part of The 2020 Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust Green Ward Competition. This project was the competition winner. 

Project Aims: To reduce the carbon footprint of treatment of respiratory conditions requiring an inhaler in the paediatric population.


Clinical impacts: 8977 paediatric patients attended Wexham Park Hospital peadiatrics acute assessment unit over November 2018 to November 2019. An assumption was made that an estimated 80%, 7,182 patients, will have presented with respiratory problems. There is potential clinical benefit for to prevent exacerbations of disease and reattendances at ED due to improved inhaler technique and awareness of how to tell when inhaler is empty

Environmental benefit:

If 30% GPs changed their prescribing patterns for Salbutamol inhalers by prescribing Salamol over Ventolin, this would save 363 tonnes CO2e per year. This saving is equivalent to the average annual carbon footprint of 24 people.

If 30% of patients and/or carers changed their disposal behaviour to recycling inhalers, 11 tonnes CO2e per year could be saved. However, few patients use just 1 inhaler per year, so the potential saving is likely to be higher. If we assume that each patient uses 4 inhalers per year, then the savings would increase to 44 tonnes CO2e per year.

Social sustainability: Example quote from a patient:

‘I had no idea inhalers damage the environment if just thrown away, of course I don’t want that for the next generation. Now I know I’ll take them back to a pharmacy’

Financial benefit: Interventions on inhaler prescribing and disposal above would be cost neutral for NHS healthcare providers and pharmacies. It was not assessed, however there is the potential for fewer inhalers to be prescribed through increased appropriate use, which would reduce financial costs

Further Information:

You can read more about the projects and savings by downloading the attached case study.

You can read more at the Green Ward Competition | Centre for Sustainable Healthcare webpage

Resource publishing organisation(s) or journal
Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust
Resource publication date
April 2020

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