
SusQI Project Report - Eliminating duplicate GP letters - Barts 2019 Green Ward Competition

Rachel McLean
Rachel McLean • 13 April 2019

SusQI project eliminating duplicate GP letters delivered as part of The 2019 Barts Health NHS Trust Green Ward Competition. This project was the competition winner. 

Project Aims: To stop sending paper copies of endoscopy reports to GP surgeries in Tower Hamlets, in addition to electronic copies.


Environmental benefit: 1,477 kgCO2e per year saved, mostly due to the reduction in delivering reports to GP surgeries.

Social sustainability: Reduction in low value work (printing, enveloping reports) for team and reduction in the frustration of purposeless duplication of work. The manager reported that it built the team’s confidence in ability to and benefit of making changes in working practices.

Financial benefit: Saving £3,357 per year in resources, mostly due to savings in postal costs. Financial savings due to more efficient use of staff time are not included in this figure so savings are potentially greater.

Further Information:

You can read more about the projects and savings by downloading the attached case study.

You can read more at the Green Ward Competition | Centre for Sustainable Healthcare webpage

Resource publishing organisation(s) or journal
Barts Health NHS Trust
Resource publication date
April 2019

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