
Therapy Decarbonisation Plan

Jacqueline Gordon
Jacqueline Gordon • 10 June 2024

Embracing Sustainability Across Cardiff and Vale University Health Board - Our Decarbonisation Action Plan for Therapy Departments

Anna Tobin and Rebecca Hanmer present their plan to brace sustainability across therapy departments by providing staff with resources and stages to work through to support their journey. In 2020 Cardiff and Vale University Health board (UHB) declared a climate emergency to take a stand and show a commitment to tackling climate crisis. As a therapies service there are opportunities to reduce emissions from waste including reviewing the suitability of the medical equipment, our procurement choices and how we travel. Working together, the plan was co-designed with therapists across the directorate.

The aim was to provide safe and effective therapy services which support people's needs, without having a detrimental impact on the environment. To assist and enable services a set of supporting resources have been developed. These have been co-designed to make it easy for teams to prepare, participate and support the therapy community aims.

Anna and Rebecca present their toolkit and resources and how they are implementing them.

Rebecca Hanmer is Occupational Therapy Strategic Lead and Anna Tobin a Senior Physiotherapist. They work in Cardiff and Vale.

Resource author(s)
Gordon, J.
Resource publication date
June 2024

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