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Link to OpenPrescribing which allows the analysis of data about the drugs prescribed by GPs from across general practices in England.
There are two measures relating to the carbon footprint of…
Created on
18 Jun 2023 •
Bennett Institute for Applied Data Science, University of Oxford
A link to a PrescQIPP web page. On the web page, there are inhaler carbon emissions data for each inhaler, as well as other resources to support low carbon inhaler prescribing. For example, an inhaler…
A video, for patients, explaining the different inhaler devices available for use for asthma, who they may be suitable for and environmental considerations.
A video, for patients, explaining why regular treatment with preventer inhalers is so important and why using too much reliever inhalers may mean your asthma is not well controlled.
Project completed as part of the Northampton Green Team Competition 2022.
Setting/Patient Group: Trust-wide
Issue to be addressed:
Personal protective equipment (PPE) use increased over…
A link to information on the Fostair Nexthaler plan for clinicians wanting to give patients more resources for better inhaler usage. There are "downloadable resources" on the page - mainly user…
A guide for healthcare professionals in the UK on reducing the carbon footprint of inhaler prescription. It consists of recommendations aimed at making choices that reduce the carbon footprint of…
SusQI project was completed as part of theLeedsGreen Ward Competition10th January - 25th March by the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) Team.
Team members:
Grace Crossland - PICU…