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On the advice of the GMC, the Sustainable Healthcare Education Network is planning a national consultation with undergraduate and postgraduate educators to refine and validate our recommended learning…
Published late last year in BMJ Thorax, editorial by Ashley Woodcock: "The Montreal Protocol was signed 25 years ago. As a result, the irreversible destruction of the ozone layer was prevented.…
The Green Nephrology Summit 2012 participants agreed to issue a position statement about the urgency of sustainable healthcare, with a challenge to policy makers to remove financial/commissioning…
The Green Nephrology Summit 2012 was held in London on 26th September, organised by the Centre for Sustainable Healthcare and attended by nurses, doctors, technicians, patients, NHS managers, industry…
An interdisciplinary panel of Sustainable Healthcare Education members led a plenary session to open the NET Networking in Healthcare Education annual conference in Cambridge in September 2012. Slides…
Key learning point: Digitalisation of pathology reporting results in significant social as well as environmental and financial savings.
Setting/Patient Group:Dialysis unit
Issue to be…
Created on
27 Sep 2012 •
Elizabeth Critchley, Renal Unit Deputy Manager, Countess of Chester Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
This powerpoint, presented at the AMEE conference, includes a series of quotes from KCLmedical students' essaysafter a ‘climate change’ workshop, covering direct and indirect impacts, healthy equity,…
This slide set is from the WHO's Diarmid Campbell-Lendrum, and covers Climate Change, Health and the role of the Health ProfessionIt covers:Determinants of health and which are…