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Pharmacists for Greener Healthcare are hosting two online workshops on 27 November and 19 December. Don’t miss this chance to connect with fellow members and learn from leading experts about…
Hospitals and health systems emit an astounding amount of greenhouse gas emissions. Based on studies in the U.K. and U.S., over 60% of CO2 emissions from hospitals come from the supply chain. One of…
Staff wellbeing and stress are critical issues for the NHS. This research investigates the benefits of green space for staff wellbeing at three NHS sites that have encouraged staff to spend time in…
Bee Healthy was a project that worked with GP surgeries in Oxfordshire to create herbaceous birds to support bee populations. This guide provides information for community organizations that wish to…
New report shows impact of social prescribing on health service use and costs.
Created on
19 Nov 2024 •
Dr Elaine O’Connell Francischetto (Lead author), Joelle Bradly and Katy Knight – Evidence and Evaluation Team at the National Academy for Social Prescribing
Key highlights of the article include:
• Examination of current challenges for sustainability in the ICUs and their implications
• Exploration of sustainable practices and their real-world…
Created on
9 May 2024 •
Faisal N. Masud1*, Farzan Sasangohar1, Iqbal Ratnani1, Sahar Fatima1, Marco Antonio Hernandez1, Teal Riley1, Jason Fischer2, Atiya Dhala3, Megan E. Gooch1, Konya Keeling‐Johnson1, Jukrin Moon4 and Jean‐Louis Vincent5
How one healthcare body is introducing education on sustainable healthcare across the sector.Embedding environmental sustainability into the health sector has been the goal of the Centre of…
Touchpoint 1: Healthcare screening
Touchpoint 2: History taking
Touchpoint 3: Management of long term conditions
Touchpoint 4: Discharge planning
Touchpoint 5: Using prompts to encourage civic…