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The targets of the Climate Change Act are very challenging for the NHS, which means fundamental transformation of clinical practices will be required to meet them.Sustainability in the NHS has mostly…
The evidence regarding community treatment order effectiveness has been conflicting. This systematic review aims to bring up to date the review performed by Churchill and colleagues in 2005 by…
Created on
13 Nov 2024 •
Maughan, D., Molodynski, A., Rugkasa, J., and Burns, T.
To prepare tomorrow's doctors for work in a changing world a multi-agency, multi-professional collaboration has developed an innovative curriculum and teaching materials about the health aspects of…
The decision byThe Lancetto commission a 40-page report into the health effects of global warming should be taken as an indication that the medical profession can no longer ignore the implications of…
A cooling economy and a warming climate make this an opportune time to consider how ophthalmology might respond to the need to improve services while cutting costs. Although the NHS has enjoyed…
The disposal of waste contributes to the environmental impact of healthcare. Kidney care, and dialysis in particular, produces large amounts of plastic and packaging waste. If explored further, the…
The healthcare sector is a significant producer of greenhouse gas emissions. Gases that contribute to climate change include carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and chlorofluorocarbons.…
The healthcare sector is a significant producer of greenhouse gas emissions. Gases that contribute to climate change include carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and chlorofluorocarbons.…