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The calculator has now been updated with the latest GHG emission factors for 2023. If you are estimating travel emissions from a project for the year 2022 you can still access the…
The UK- basedSustainability in Pharmacy Education Group has developed a document which mapsenvironmental sustainability to the General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) learning outcomes for the initial…
Created on
28 Jun 2023 •
Sustainability in Pharmacy Education Group, Pharmacy Schools Council
How the environmental decline can affect mental health
As our planet faces unprecedented environmental challenges, it is becoming increasingly evident that the…
Project completed as part of the North East London 2023 Green Team Competition by the Limb reconstruction and orthopaedic research departments at the Royal London Hospital (Barts Health NHS…
Created on
25 Oct 2023 •
Borra, C., Wood, R., Church, D., Hilton, C. and O'Brien, J.
In this newly launched podcastGPs Daisy Lund and Clare Day take you through all things health and plant based.
The intro episode explores how Daisy and Clare became plant based and how they apply…
Case study estimating the carbon footprint of unnecessary cannulation in England.
This case study draws on carbon footprinting data undertake as part of a larger CSH project in 2021. The carbon…
This is a project report which describes the steps taken by the Cardiff Royal Infirmary sexual health department to reintroduce reusable metal specula into their outpatient clinics.
Interim outcome…
This practice pointer article is part of a series in the BMJ on the theme of 'Towards Net Zero'. This article explores where carbon emissions come from in asthma care and why it's so important to…
SusQI project completed as part of the Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board (CTM UHB) and Centre for Sustainable HealthcareIntensive Sustainable Innovation Group Scholar…