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This 2016 report from the Royal College of Physicians and the Royal College of Paediactics and Child Health examines the impact of exposure to air pollution across the course of a lifetime. The…
This WHO report summarizes the available evidence of beneficial effects of urban green spaces, such as improved mental health, reduced cardiovascular morbidity and mortality, obesity and risk of type…
A case study from Southern Health NHS Foundation trustwhere a quality improvement project led to the introduction of an electric vehicle within an urgent community response service, resulting in…
Patients receiving enteral feeding in the community require plastics/ancillaries to allow feed to be pumped/bolused via the feeding tube. Multi-use syringes are deemed adequate for use in the…
This Canadian article differentiates between 'ecological' and ‘environmental’ determinants of health. It proposes more attention to ecosystems as foundational to human health and recognizes climate…
Not sure if everyone is aware of the 3 sessions in the Environmentally Sustainable Healthcare programme available on the eLfH website. Key concepts and case studies are given.
Sessions 1 and 2 are…
Newly qualified midwives will now be required to know about sustainable healthcare.The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) has included sustainable healthcare in itsnew Standards of Proficiency…
Planetary health and primary care: what’s the emergency?
Terry Kemple
British Journal of General Practice 2019; 69 (688): 536-537. DOI:
"In 30…