
Earth beyond six of nine planetary boundaries, Richardson et al. 13 Sep 2023 - Science Advances

Rachael Ward
Rachael Ward • 14 September 2023

A research article published on 13 September 2023 by Richardson et al. state Earth is beyond six of the nine planetary boundaries, read the abstract below and link to full article.

"This planetary boundaries framework update finds that six of the nine boundaries are transgressed, suggesting that Earth is now well outside of the safe operating space for humanity. Ocean acidification is close to being breached, while aerosol loading regionally exceeds the boundary. Stratospheric ozone levels have slightly recovered. The transgression level has increased for all boundaries earlier identified as overstepped. As primary production drives Earth system biosphere functions, human appropriation of net primary production is proposed as a control variable for functional biosphere integrity. This boundary is also transgressed. Earth system modeling of different levels of the transgression of the climate and land system change boundaries illustrates that these anthropogenic impacts on Earth system must be considered in a systemic context."

Earth Planetary Boundaries, Richardson et al. 13 Sep 2023


Read the full article in Science Advances here.

Comments (2)

Karen Rock
Karen Rock

I find it quite disturbing how our nursing and medical bodies are being so polite and so apathetic about climate crisis given we can expect it to overwhelm our healthcare services within a few years as impacts increase. Our professional bodies should be leading the way on demanding action, and its also disturbing how few healthcare professionals are involved with non violent peaceful protest groups like Medact or HealthXR who are making climate crisis visible to the public and warning of measures needed to protect patients over the next decade. Are we really so complacent or frightened to fight for a future?

Hayley Pinto
Hayley Pinto

I sahre your frsutration. The lack of clear communication (and some outright lying) means many people, even HCPS, are still blissfully unaware of the degree of risk.

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