
Bristol Trusts' NHS Sustainability Awards success!

Admin *
Admin * • 6 June 2016

At this year's NHS Sustainability Awards, many deserving NHS Trusts were commended and recognised for their work in the sustainability arena. We were delighted to see University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust and North Bristol NHS Trust recognised for their work, including what they’ve achieved with NUS' Green Impact programme (

The two Trusts have been working together to strengthen their community engagement and staff behaviour change programmes, which culminated in joint audits of their two Green Impact programmes. This opportunity gave students from the University of Bristol and the University of the West of England the chance to visit teams in each Trust and look at the impressive work that they’ve been doing to green their workplaces, learning a lot about sustainable healthcare in the process.

NUS are delighted to have been a part of the incredible work in these two hospitals and it only makes us more excited about the potential future developments of Green Impact in hospitals. We're now establishing a partnership with the Centre for Sustainable Healthcare to strengthen Green Impact in clinical areas of hospitals. We hope that this will mean other hospitals can share some of the successes demonstrated by UHB and NBT whilst offering similar learning opportunities to even more students! Keep an eye out for more information on the CSH Networks. If you're interested in running Green Impact, please get in touch on or visit for more info. 

UHB and NBT were jointly commended for their work in their local community. North Bristol NHS Trust also won the categories for water and behaviour change and were awarded Overall Winner.


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