
BTS Position Statement on The Environment and Lung Health 2020

Jennifer Nixon
Jennifer Nixon • 27 June 2020

This was released in March of this year, unfortunately I think I and many others were a bit distracted by COVID, but it is definitely worth a read (especially for those who prescribe, dispense, or use inhalers)

My highlights include:

- acknowledgment of the climate emergency, and the potential health benefits of actions that may be taken in response to it (such as active travel) 

- a committment that the BTS will press for active transport and clean air policies

- an updated section on the environmental impact of inhalers, including a stronger stance on encouraging prescription of low-carbon inhaler options (considering DPIs for all new inhaler prescriptions, recommending low carbon alternatives to current inhalers if patients are able to use them safely) as well as optimising technique, discouraging hoarding, and promoting safe disposal. It also flags up the recent contractual requirements to reduce the climate impact of inhalers (NHS LongTerm Plan, GP contract, and  this year's Best Practice Tarriff). 

- and it states that the board plan to partner with CSH to create a sustainable respiratory programme, looking forward to hearing more about this!



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