
Call for Abstracts - Sustainability and Health Conference - University of Brighton

Heather Baid
Heather Baid • 9 November 2018

The University of Brighton School of Health Sciences 5th annual sustainability conference will be held 3 May 2019.

The conference aims to present the diversity of sustainable practices within health and social care settings and to inspire change towards more sustainable practices.  We extend an invitation to academics, students, researchers, clinical colleagues and service users who are engaged in sustainability and health or healthcare practice.

The theme this year is all about making small steps to create big changes – how does sustainability impact on what you do, what you teach, what you research, how you practice? 

We invite you to submit an abstract for a paper to be presented in a session or a poster to be displayed at the conference.  Please forward the call for and abstracts flyer and guidance on to other people interested in sustainability and health / healthcare practice. 

Abstract submission is due 25 January 2019 - email to

Conference registration will open soon. 

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