
Calling Link workers and Social Prescribers

Sarah Jordan
Sarah Jordan • 6 November 2023

Researchers from the University of Oxford are conducting a study on the retention of link workers in their role and factors that can shape this. They are inviting link workers/social prescribers, based in the UK, to complete a short questionnaire on this topic (that takes 10 minutes to complete). 

The research team is interested in hearing the views and experiences of individuals employed to connect people to resources, groups or community assets as part of social prescribing. They may or may not be called a link worker/social prescriber (e.g. they could be called a community connector or wellbeing worker). It is an opportunity for those in this role, as part of social prescribing, to comment on their current feelings about what they do and to share their thoughts about staying in or leaving their job. As part of the study, the research team will develop recommendations on supporting link workers/social prescribers in their job. They will send what they find from the research to people/organisations involved in designing/managing social prescribing services, including policy makers.
Here is a link to the questionnaire for those who wish to complete it. No one completing the questionnaire will be named or identified in any reports or publications that come from this research:
If you have any questions about the project, you can find the relevant contact details using the link above. 

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