
Carbon footprint palliative care - hospice/hospital/home

Katherine Taylor
Katherine Taylor • 26 October 2023

Has anyone come across evidence of the carbon footprint of end of life care please, especially comparing hospice to hospital and home-based care? I have found a paper on a UK hospice carbon footprint assessment, and individual activities or prescribing, but not for admissions yet. Thanks in advance for any links/references.

Comments (2)

Kate Crossland
Kate Crossland

Great question! Short answer is no.... I've seen the UK hospice paper too. I'm just working with Paul Fraser from Hospice UK on getting some more detail from some hospices that have done work on reducing their impact so we can share. But not seen a direct comparison. You could probably extrapolate from existing data on admissions in last year of life, and on carbon footprint of admissions. And then use some of the data hospices have. But working out the impact of care at home might be harder. Do you want to discuss? Email at

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