
Case Studies Pour in for CleanMed Europe 2013

Ingeborg Steinbach
Ingeborg Steinbach • 12 June 2013

We have received a fantastic number of case studies from the UK, Europe and beyond for presentation at the conference on Pathways to Sustainable Healthcare coming up in September. We will post more details on the website closer to the conference. Meanwhile see for updates on the main programme. 

We are very much looking forward to welcoming many of you in person over the 3 days of workshops, plenaries, expert sessions and networking.  I would also encourage everyone to sign up for the gala dinner which is where we relax on the last night and form bonds that go beyond the event.

A regular blog in the BMJ is starting in a couple of weeks, which will feature some of our plenary and sessions speakers and will link back to the conference.  Meanwhile a Bafta-winning film-maker is helping us capture stories to be shown at the conference around pathways to sustainable healthcare. 

A maximum of 500 people can attend, including about 150 healthcare professionals, 150 healthcare infrastructure and management, 100 providers and 100 sustainability and innovation experts so if you have not already booked as a delegate please do so as soon as possible to ensure you have a place. 

In addition, we are offering organisations the opportunity to sponsor the conference and are sending communications out (with sponsors' logos on) to over 200,000 people in Europe, Brazil and the US.  Existing sponsors include J&J and construction specialties and we have top speakers from GSK, BUPA and J&J as well as the NHS and WHO.  The conference, and CSH's work has been featured in journals and websites in France, Switzerland, US, Brazil, Japan and Australia, as well as the UK.

If you would like to receive regular news on the conference, please follow us on twitter,


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