
Climate change as a risk to respiratory health. Recording from Pharmacy Susnet online event 15th Nov now available!

Nuala Hampson
Nuala Hampson • 13 December 2023

The recording of the 15th Nov Pharmacy SusNet event is now available on the CSH YouTube channel here - Pharmacy Susnet : Climate Change as a risk to respiratory health - the greener agenda (

At this event, Ravijyot Saggu presented "Climate change as a risk to respiratory health". Ravijyot, a specialist respiratory pharmacist, covered a huge range of topics including how climate change impacts respiratory health and how health inequalities play a role within this, particularly in relation to air pollution. Ravijyot discussed national drivers and levers for change in respiratory care to a more sustainable approach and gave lots of practical tips for pieces of work to undertake and guidance on how to discuss these issues with patients. 

Ravijyot has also kindly shared a PDF of her slides which are attached below. 


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