When patients sit in waiting rooms the chairs are not covered nor wiped between each patient, yet the moment they sit on a couch we use couch roll. Couch roll is bulky and a waste that could be reduced / avoided.
Is there a consensus of when its use is appropriate and when not, and if it is not used, what is the expectation of how frequently the couch should be cleaned. Are there any national guidelines?
Sounds great! I would love to hear more about your campaign. We would like to launch it at our Trust: insights, goods tips as well as used and approved material are always welcome!
Maybe we could schedule a joint meeting if others are interested?
hi Caroline ! did you manage to implement in areas like maternity as well ?
Perrine Dhaisne sounds good, it's always helpful to know what others are doing!
sangeetha - we launched the comms across all areas and targeted staff/departments who had previously ordered couch roll. We've also 'masked' couch roll on our finance system, but we have maintained access for some areas which requested it for specific purposes. This included podiatry, and urology. Radiology and maternity requested continued access for ultrasounds.
We did this recently so don't have any data yet.
Perrine Dhaisne I would be happy to join any meetings and share where we are with our project - if that would help? 🙂 martin.still1@nhs.net