
Disability and Climate Change Webinar - 28th July

Kerry  Atchison
Kerry Atchison • 20 July 2023

For anyone who is interested, Disability Rights UK are running a webinar event on Friday 28th July on the topic of Disability and Climate Change. Please see information on how to take part below...

"As you may be aware of, the environmental crises will not affect all people in the same way; research has shown that the global Disabled community will be the hardest hit as the climate changes. 

The UK Government has acknowledged that very little work has explored issues around Disabled people and resilience-building in the context of longer-term climatic and environmental change. This means we are still excluded from conversations that will impact us the hardest. 

In collaboration with NPC, who recently launched their report 'How will the climate and nature crises impact older people and Disabled people?', we have been working to forge a space by Disabled people, for Disabled people, where we can discuss these issues. 

Join Disability Rights UK as we host a webinar on the subject, where we invite you to be part of the discussion, listen to the reports and stories, debate the issue and work towards ensuring Disabled people are not only prepared for a changing environment but are full participants in all solutions and debates.

The webinar will be taking place online on Friday 28th July, from 10:00am to 11:30 am. I look forward to seeing you there!

Register for the event on our Zoom page - we look forward to many interesting and varied perspectives and conversations on the day.

This event is part of the Everyone's Environment programme, with the aim of empowering people from the UK’s diverse social groups to have a say on how we confront the climate and nature crises."

Comments (2)

Denise  Gatti
Denise Gatti

I have already registered, I just can't miss out!
My colleague who has just joined the network (Menada Gardalini) says she is very interested in joining as well, on this topic.

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