
Doctors' Mess Competition

Frances Mortimer
Frances Mortimer • 5 February 2009

In summer 2008, The Campaign for Greener Healthcare teamed up with and BMA News to find the UK’s greenest and least green hospital messes.

In the competition, junior hospital doctors were asked:

"Is your mess windowless, overheated, humming with unnecessary appliances on standby and buried in a mountain of polystyrene cups / (unrecycled) paper plates? Name and shame it as the Worst Mess!

"Or is your mess comfortably light and airy, with fab facilities, super-efficient TV and computers (switched off at night…), its own vegetable patch and regular sponsored bike rides?! Give it the recognition it deserves – it’s the Best Mess!"


Winner in Best Mess Competition:

Queens Medical Centre, Nottingham

Nominated by Dr. Jonathan Stedman

QMC Mess President, Dr. Shelley Waddingham, received the award on behalf of the mess and explained the steps they had taken to improve the mess and reduce its environmental impact.

A year or so ago, Shelley initiated an environmental review of the disposable cups and plates which wastaken up by Medirest, the company which supplies catering to the whole hospital. With 350 people using the mess every lunchtime, providing real crockery was felt to be unfeasible. Following the review, the mess adopted recycled-paper plates and polystyrene cups, which they were advised were the most environmentally friendly option.

Frances Mortimer presents QMC Mess President, Shelley Waddingham, with their certificate

The mess organises recycling of paper and cardboard, and has an arrangement with the local curry house to reuse food containers, and with Sainsburys to reuse the same plastic bags for mess purchases.

Without a thermostat, they are unable to control the temperature in the mess, which is generally overheated. However they have elected not to make use of the air conditioning units provided, and keep their electricity use down by switching off lights at night and configuring automatic power down on computers.
Frances Mortimer presents the winning certificate to Shelley Waddington (right)

In addition to the usual biscuits, fresh fruit is delivered regularly by a local greengrocer, and supplied free to mess members. Other efforts to encourage healthy lifestyles in their doctors include renting sports pitches, and joining in campaigning for more cycle parking and showers on site.

Next step – the mess is currently recruiting an environmental officer to take the work forward and advocate more action across the whole Trust.

Congratulations QMC! We’re really impressed and hope your prizes (a houseplant and energy monitor) help to make your mess even better.


Winner in Worst Mess Competition:

Pilgrim Hospital, Boston

Nominated by Dr Jern Shen Yeoh

Pilgrim mess was nominated on grounds of wasted heat, a leaking roof, and electricity waste from broken fridges. This also led to spoiled and wasted food.

Mess President, Dr Maddhu Mudduluru, was disappointed with the award, saying that the broken fridge had now been fixed, and that the mess is socially active and gets good reviews from members. They plan to take up some of the suggestions in The Campaign for Greener Healthcare guide to greening a doctors mess – we wish them all the best in their efforts.

Download the Campaign for Greener Healthcare guide to greening a hospital mess ("CGH Green Doctors Mess" - link below).

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