
Donating Made Easy

Ingeborg Steinbach
Ingeborg Steinbach • 3 May 2012

Some of you have asked whether you can donate money to help our work. We have always accepted cheques, but The Centre for Sustainable Healthcare (CSH) has now signed up to Just Giving to make it easier for you to donate small amounts on a regular basis.

CSH is a very small charity, and funding for our core costs is entirely provided by donations and project-focused support. You can help us work to safeguard the future of health and healthcare by contributing to our funding. By paying a regular amount as a monthly instalment, your money will go a long way – especially if you are a UK tax-payer, as CSH is able to reclaim the basic rate tax that you have paid via Gift Aid.

Please give what you can – a small amount on a regular basis may not seem like a lot but from many people it soon adds up! We use this money to pay for staff costs, maintain the website, support our existing projects and develop new ones. We employ a very small team of staff with a national reach, and much of our work is achieved by volunteers which means your money will go a long way.

Our aim is to raise £18,000 this year, the same amount three medical student very generously donated to us in 2010.

To find out more about CSH’s work and how we will use your donation please visit:

If you’re ready to donate already please visit CSH’s secure payment site on Just Giving:


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