
Donating medical supplies

Amy Moore
Amy Moore • 13 September 2023

Hi there, does anyone have a process in place for donating unusable/out of date medical supplies (gloves, masks, aprons, hand sanitiser, unbranded uniforms) to charities who distribute them to war torn areas? - such as the White Eagle Appeal. We have been approached by WEA and they will supply us with a disclaimer, but apparently much of our PPE is supplied by the DHSC and they stipulate it must be 'disposed of locally'. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks.

Comments (2)

Elizabeth Fitzhugh
Elizabeth Fitzhugh

Hi Amy,
We have tried various charities too but they have declined saying that they are overun with PPE. We are just investigating a company who collects and recycles uniforms in the shred and repurpose method of recycling. Not sure about this.
Out of date PPE was good enough to use during covid. what makes in not so now, I wonder?

Amy Moore
Amy Moore

Thanks Elizabeth that's interesting - I thought WEA were desperate for PPE but I might have that wrong. They have asked for medical uniforms but I guess this needs to be unbranded/logo cut out.
We have also looked in to textile recycling - most companies seem to shred for incineration blocks (energy from waste), however I found Avena who will recycle cotton back to cotton and polyester/oil based fibre in to mattress filler or insulation - but it is not cheap.

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